Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Hon family 1969-1970 photographs

Here are an assortment of 1969-1970 Hon family gathering photos. By the 1970s everyone was taking their own photographs. I'm going to take a break for a bit, during which I'll organize some of Dad's extended Matyn family photographs, then I'll continue the blog focused on the Matyns. I hope you enjoyed the blog.

1969, Ann Hon, me, Alice with Sassy at Uncle Carl's. We three visited often.

Nov. 9, 1969 Greg and Kathy Hon married in Ohio

Nov. 9, 1969, Resting after Greg Hon's wedding, Cindy w Eddie, Uncle Ed, Aunty Altamae, and Steven Hon

Aug. 1969 Hons at 604 Mich., Grayling, Suzie, Mom, Aunty Phyllis, Grandma Hon, Aunty Frances, Eddie.
Grandma looks happy standing with all her daughters.

Same gathering.  I know Mom took this because literally everyone's butt is towards the camera.
Uncle Cliff Hipp, Barbie, Uncle Carl, Uncle Ed, David Hipp, unknown, AnnMarie, Steven, Dad with Al on his shoulders behind Aunty Evie, unknown, Aunty Phyllis, unknown, Grandma Hon with cane.
Dad's old mower and garbage cans in the front.

Most of the same group, same day, in the backyard, David Hipp, Steven leaning, Barbie, AnnMarie, Suzie, Tom Hipp; Uncle Paul seated, Eddie leaning, Al sitting on Dad

1970 fishing in Lake Margarethe, near Grayling, Dad, me, Alice. Lots of orange and dig those shades. We fished a lot.

1970 picnic at Lake Margarethe. This is how I remember Grandma Hon, using a cane or walker and with her hose rolled down below her knees. I do not see her cateye glasses. Grandma Hon, Al, me, Dad and Aunty Phyllis in the back

Jan. 30, 1970, Mark and a blond Barbie Hipp on their wedding day, Grand Rapids

1970  Sandra Hon graduation photo