Monday, January 2, 2017

Previously unknown tintype of Great Grandma Elizabeth McKinnon Mannheim

Closeup of full length tintype. Two acorn earrings and two gold chains linked together.

Here's the full length tintype. The photographer did not clean up the props lying all over the floor. She appears to have large hands. I wonder if this is from shortly after her marriage or before? She is really thin and young looking.

So not only did I inherit photos from Mom and Grandma Hon, but Mom had scrapbooks of Aunty Phyllis' stuff and in the back of one I found a tintype of a woman. It was not identified, but looking through a magnifying glass she has acorn earrings! Just like in the charcoal drawing. So this is a previously unidentified tintype of my great grandma Elizabeth McKinnon Mannheim. I just found it today. How cool!
Charcoal portrait, earring visible

Here's a picture of the one surviving earring today. I had it made into a pendant. I really treasure it and wear it occasionally.

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