Sunday, August 5, 2018

a visit to the Hons in Duluth, MN

Had a wonderful gathering of Hons and Hon descendants for Aunty Evelyn Hon's 95th birthday in late July in Duluth, MN. Saw a lot of relatives I haven't seen in decades. Had a wonderful time visiting with them and exploring Duluth, a lovely city to visit. Really pleased that we saw my mom's childhood home at 5123 Dodge St. as well. Here are some images.

5123 Dodge St., Duluth, now
Inside the house in the late 1930s: Uncle Paul standing, Uncle Carl, Grandma, Mom (Rosalia) 

Uncle Carl, Mom, Grandma
Uncle Ed and Paul in the early 1930s

The other house in this photo is still standing and looks the same.

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