Friday, July 21, 2017

A visit to Duluth in 1947, Jim and Greg Hon 1st photos

By 1947 some native Minnesotans had been out of state for a few years. To return to MN for a family visit they took a passenger vessel across Lake Superior. This was the best, fastest  route because back then there was no Mackinac Bridge. I know, it is hard to believe that was ever the case. People lined up all day to get on a car ferry. Thus, Grandma, Grandpa, Aunty Phyllis and my Mom headed to Duluth to visit Uncle Paul and Uncle Ed and their growing families in June 1947. There are images of vessels far away steaming on water which all look alike, but the interesting views to me are of Mackinac City and St. Ignace which were and look pretty rural. These cities have come along way since 1947.

Grandma, Aunty Phyllis, Grandpa
There are a number of vessel images like this, far away, closer, really close, heading away.
Here's a view leaving Mackinac City-nothing visible at all
Here's a view approaching St. Ignace, which appears to have some rustic buildings and not much more. What is there does not look too inviting. Lots of open space. No McDonalds anywhere.

DULUTH June 1947

Mom wrote "The boys with their wives and children, 1947" so that's Aunty Evelyn holding James, Ronnie, Aunty Altamae holding Greg, Uncle Paul and Uncle Ed. They look so happy and comfortable in each other's near company.

                                                     Grandpa with Ronnie and James and fishing nets

Aunty Altamae holding Greg, Aunty Evie holding James, Ronnie, Uncle Paul.
Grandma with Ronnie, Uncle Paul, Aunty Evie looking amazing in yet another apron, Grandpa holding Jim

Grandpa fishing. According to Mom he had "no luck"
Mom and Grandma Hon at Elmsgren Cabins "Sunning ourselves". The door looks very late 19th century.  Mom looks to me like she recently had a migraine.  I bet traveling on a boat made her really sick. I have been there and had that look.

Grandma and Aunty Phyllis "staying lazy north shore"

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