Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Thoughts I wonder looking at family photos

I want my extended family now and in the future to know at least something of the lives our family  lived, even thought we don't have the complete story through a few photos, and some of the context is lost, we at least experience a view and feel for them.

I have questions. Why did they go there for a picnic at that time? Why did this photo get taken? How come nobody ever took a photo of Grandma tatting lace or quilting? What kind of friend was this person or that? What color was that dress? So, there is a mystery and yet a familiarity to these photos. During the war, the Hons moved to Muskegon and later Grand Rapids so Grandpa could work and  help the war effort. I heard he lost the farm they lived on before the war because he was too kind to people who needed help and couldn't pay him back. They had work, family routine, and fun along the way. It was in some ways a lot like family life today and in some ways completely different because of the war, brothers and sons going off to war, and a total lack of amenities, good restaurants, chain businesses and tech that we take for granted today. Here's an assortment of the next batch of photos. I hope you enjoy them.

Aunty Evie, if you see these and have any commentary I'd love to hear or read it.

In these photos they have left Duluth and are in Muskegon MI area, summer activities in Pentwater and Chippewa Lake, I think for relaxing, maybe en route, then Grand Rapids by Jan. 1945.

Grandpa, Ronnie and Aunty Evie on the dock, summer 1944 [at Pentwater, MI?, I think based on another photo of a sign]
Aunty Evie and Granpa doing something w a diaper involving minnows, Grandma in front
Mom rowing Aunty Phyllis, her first time in a row boat

Grandma Hon, Aunty Evie and Ronnie on the dock, Summer 1944

"Phyllis, Ronnie, Evie on the Ford at Pentwater, MI, lovely cabin, Summer 1944"

Aunty Evie and Phyllis hauling wood and Mom hauling water from the garage to the house they lived in for a week, Chippewa Lake, MI summer 1944- Did you live here for a vacation or en route to another home?

Grandpa, Aunty Evie holding Ronnie, Grandma and Aunty Phyllis in the backyard at 604 Burton WW, Grand Rapids, Jan. 1945

Aunty Evie and Uncle Paul, undated (1945?) where was that wheel?
Ronnie not too sure? with adoring Dad, Uncle Paul, Aug. 1945

"Michael - Mouth Open, Frances, Donnie, in front of 64 Burton Grand Rapids, Jan. 1946"

"Donald and Frances spruced up on a sunny Sunday, Jan. 1946"

Aunty Frances with a cool hat and heels by the clothesline, Jan. 1946

"Framces posin' quite a dark day tho', Jan. 1946"

"Don Frances and Phyl- Jan. 1946"

Uncle Cliff in uniform with Aunty Frances, Aug. 1945

Don, Mike and Frances in the snow, Jan. 1946

Michael and Donald by the clothesline, Jan. 1946

"Michael and Frances Huba Huba Really a bright day! Jan. 1946"

1 comment:

  1. Thank you sooo much Marian, so much fun seeing all of these old photo's!
