Monday, July 17, 2017

More of Mom's WWII photograph album

Here are more family WWII photographs, with a focus of Uncle Paul in India, Uncle Ed at home in Duluth (MN) with family, some of Uncle Cliff, Aunty Frances and Donny, and the first photo ever of Michael Hipp (on the way).
Uncle Carl, Uncle Ed and Aunty Altamae, Uncle Cliff and Aunty Frances in front, July 1943

Cliff, Donny and Ed (none look happy-what's up?), July 943

Uncle Ed and Aunty Altamae, July 1943

Uncle Ed and Donny, July 1943
Uncle Ed with sis Aunty Frances. Mom noted on the bottom, Michael on the way, 1943. Mike was born in Sept.
Mom and Aunty Altamae. July 1943. Mom's shirt says something about Infantry on it. She is so skinny. Why didn't I get that waist?
Staff Sargent Uncle Paul Hon, India, 1944
Uncle Paul in a rickshaw
Uncle Paul in India with an Indian boy, 1944
Uncle Paul in India, 1944

Uncle Cliff, Aunty Frances in the light, Donny, Aug. 1943

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