Saturday, July 22, 2017

Hon and Hipp summer fun 1940s

During the Great Depression and during and right after WWII most people did not have extra money or believe in spending it on expensive vacation plans. They lived within their means and enjoyed free or cheap fun. The Hons spent a lot of time near water in the summer because it was cooler there without air conditioning. They enjoyed fishing, swimming, sunning, rowing, and feeding birds.  They also played baseball and at least Aunty Phyllis had a bike, and the young boys had scooters, gocarts and I saw a tricycle. Other photos show them "gardening" (Neither Mom nor I were ever passable gardeners. Mom apparently learned from Grandpa so I must assume he also had a black thumb.) and visiting with friends and relatives or total strangers. They also sometimes climbed up in trees and posed on fallen trees in the woods. Interestingly, there are no images thus far of anyone playing cards, cribbage or board games, which they all played ruthlessly and with great enjoyment. Here are some 1940s fun images.

Michael and Donny Hipp with baseball gloves, June 1946

On a sailboat, Grandma, Michael and Aunty Phyllis. Whose boat? Not theirs. June 1946 

Donald and Michael drying off after a dip, June 1946

Grandma, Grandpa and Aunty Phyllis "all sour pussing", June 1946

Grandma and Donny "feeding bread to the tame swans, Summer 1946"

Long Lake, [I assume this is one of many Long Lakes in MI] August 1946, Mary Ann (must be a friend), Aunty Phyllis, Grandpa and "Uncle Carl" [I do not think this is Mom's brother, Carl, but I'm not sure who it would be. Neither of my grandparents had a brother named Carl. Maybe he is a friend of Grandpa's.]

Kimball Lake [which one?], Decoration Day 1949, Dad and Cliff getting prepared for fishing.

Mom with Michael and Donnie Hipp, "quite a hot day, June 1946"
Aunty Frances in shorts with her boys and a friend in background, June 1946
Michael with his mom, Aunty Frances and a scooter, June 1946

Cutie - Aunty Phyllis on the shore of Lake St. Clair, age 12, 1946. She received a bicycle for her birthday.

Baseball, Aunty Phyllis, Donnie Hipp, Uncle Carl, Wayne and Michael Hipp, Decoration Day 1949
Mom wading in Lake St. Clair to keep cool, June 1946
Mom atop a big tree limb at Kimball Lake, probably fall 1946

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